Black & White Logo

This specialty pet shop focuses on animal adoption and daily maintenance of slimy and scaly companions. While the assignment has a broader intention to gain branding experience and build visual systems, the concept is close to my heart since I have a pet reptile of my own – a bearded dragon named Little Dude. I wanted this business to put the target audience of young families with children at ease around unconventional pets with its bright color palette and playful graphic style. After establishing the nitty-gritty rules of Flippin Phibian’s branding, I had fun pushing my photo editing skills by expanding the brand onto storefronts and signage, uniforms and promotional products, and much more. 

Ideal Store Front with Custom Signage, Awning, and Window Displays

Flippin Phibian & Reptile Store Stationery Set

Back Cover
Back Cover
Front Cover
Front Cover
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Brand Guidelines
Brand Guidelines
Uniform Spread
Uniform Spread
Packaging Spread
Packaging Spread
Promotional Items Spread
Promotional Items Spread

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